Thursday, April 24, 2014


First of all I want to say field trips are very important, Because we will know more and more about our new country. These days are good times for knowing more about our new place.
In my opinion the most part of every society is education. How can we increase the level of education? And how can we increase the quality of life? answer is education. But how? with increase libraries.
In my opinion the best library I have ever read is Toronto reference library. Very good library with the good book all of world even Iran" my home country ". But there was a good part, it was ESL part. Very important for every one that English is her/ his second language. I found good books about listening. And I spoke with one of the staffs about ESL part and Iranian books. There were many good parts in library such as, 3D printer. You can make every thing with this modern technology . There were educational parts such as micro soft skills class, finding job class for newcomers. There were many facilities in library. In the other hand waiting line is minimum. There were 3 machines with scanner for inputting book information in system specially you can return books in every branch in Toronto. Very good facilities for people honestly speaking i really enjoy it.
Google 24th April   2014

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